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🌀 Torrenting

Torrent Clients, Trackers, Sites


Torrent Clients:


Make sure that you BIND your VPN client to prevent leaks!

1. ⭐ qBittorrent: Search Plugins

2. Deluge

3. Transmission

Android torrent clients

Remote Torrenting

1. ⭐ Seedr: Torrent to cloud and stream or directly download files without a need for a VPN.

2. ⭐ webtor: Torrent to cloud and stream or directly download files without a need for a VPN. Unlimited and no account needed.

3. ⭐ from-torrent: Torrent to cloud and stream or directly download files without a need for a VPN | Bypass 10GB limit with this userscript.

4. Bitport: Torrent to cloud and stream or directly download files without a need for a VPN.

5. TorrentSafe: Torrent to cloud and stream or directly download files without a need for a VPN.

6. Demagnetize: Torrent to DDL

Torrent Sites:

1. ⭐ RuTracker: Video / Audio / Games / Software / Android / Comics / Magazines

2. ⭐ TorrentGalaxy: Video / Audio

3. ⭐ m0nkrus: Adobe Software (Avoid collections as they have been accused of having malware multiple times, stick to individual Adobe programs to be safe.)

4. 1337x: Video / Audio / Avoid Software and Games.

5. GloTorrents: Video / Audio

6. Limetorrents: Video / Audio

7. ExtraTorrent: Audio / Video / Books

8. Torrentz2k: Video / Audio



Aggregators include many sources, so it's best to avoid using them for software and games.

1. ⭐ BTDigg

2. ⭐ Knaben

3. ⭐ Torrentz2

4. Bitsearch

5. Torlock

6. iDope

7. BT4G