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🧰 Tools

Download tools, userscripts and more.



You need to install Violentmonkey to be able to use userscripts.

Userscript Repos:

1. ⭐ Greasyfork: Repo for countless userscripts.

2. OpenUserJS: Repo for userscripts.

3. Userscripts-Mirror: Mirror for

Useful Userscripts:

1. Ant-Anti-Copy: Enables copying text from websites that try to prevent copying.

2. Absolute-Enable-Right-Click-and-Copy: Enables right clicking and copying on websites that try to prevent right clicking.

3. Simple Youtube Age Restriction Bypass

4. Undiscord: Bulk Delete Discord Messages.

5. Bypass Google Sorry: Bypass Google Captchas.


Download Managers:

1. JDownloader2: Download manager that supports downloading from a variety of file-hosts. Supports downloading video from many websites.

1. XDM: Download manager.

Video Download Tools:

1. ⭐ cobalt: Multi-Site

2. ⭐ 9xbuddy: Multi-Site

3. ⭐ YT-DLP: Multi-Site

4. Lux: Multi-Site

Free Download Services:

1. ⭐ Free Premium Leechers List: Free link generators for premium file hosts.

2. ⭐ Reevown: Free download service with which you can perform premium downloads.

3. UploadedPremiumLink: Link generator for various premium hosts.

4. leechlisting: Free link generators for premium file hosts.

5. Debrid-Link: Paid Debrid Service With Free Tier.

6. RapidGrab: Free link generators for premium file hosts.

7. Newscon: Free link generators for premium file hosts.


File Sharing Tools:

1. ⭐ A peer-to-peer file sharing platform.

2. ⭐ Similar to

3. SyncThing: Shares and syncs files between multiple computers.

4. SHAREit: SHAREit is a peer-to-peer file sharing, content streaming and gaming platform that supports online and offline sharing of files and contents.

5. xkcd949: Similar to Note: There is no HTTPS encryption!

File Renaming:

1. ⭐ FileBot: The ultimate tool for renaming and organizing your movies, TV shows and Anime. Match and rename media files against online databases, download artwork and cover images, fetch subtitles, write metadata, and more, all at once in a matter of seconds. | Cracked.

2. Rename My TV Series 2: Similar to FileBot but free.

3. PowerToys

4. Bulk Rename Utility: Bulk Rename Files.

File Converters:

1. ⭐ CloudConvert: Convert ffiles online / 1GB Limit.

2. ⭐ File Converter: Convert And Compress Files Locally.

3. ConvertFiles: Convert Files Online.

4. FreeConvert: Convert Files Online. 1GB Limit.

File Searching:

1. ⭐ Everything

File Hosting:

1. ⭐ Buzzheavier: Unlimited, Files Last Forever. Supports Streaming and Torrents. No Sign-Up Required.

2. ⭐ Gofile: Unlimited File Size, Lasts For 10 Days. No Sign-Up Required.

3. ⭐ 100GB File Limit, Lasts for 15 Days. No Sign-Up Required.

4. ⭐ FileDitch: 15GB File Limit, Lasts Forever. No Sign-Up Required

5. Hexupload: 15GB File Limit, Lasts 60 Days.

Internet Tools Tools

Speed / Leak Tests:

1. ⭐ IPLEAK: Speed Test, Leak Test, and More.

2. ⭐ Cloudflare Speed Test: Speed Test.

1. ⭐

2. ⭐

3. ⭐ Linqbin: Temporary Link Shortner.

4. ⭐ Grabify: Grabify IP Logger & URL Shortener allows you to tracks IP address, track locations and much more. Advanced web analytics at the tap of a finger!

5. Thinfi: Shorten and password protect URLs.

6. Link-Lock: Password protect links.


1. ⭐ Linqbin: Temporary Pastebin

2. ⭐ Rentry

3. ⭐ katb

4. ⭐ disroot

5. ⭐ Bundles

6. Pastebin