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🎵 Music

A list of apps/websites that allow you to listen to music for free with no subscription.

Stream Music in Browser:

1. ⭐ YTMP

2. ⭐ Hyperpipe

3. ⭐ Beatbump

4. ⭐ Spotfy One

Browser Music Downloaders:

1. ⭐ SlavArt: Discord | FLAC, 320kbps & lower (Only FLAC is available on the website).

2. ⭐ DoubleDouble: FLAC, 320kbps & lower.

Telegram Music Downloaders:

1. ⭐ musiciobot: FLAC & Lower supported

2. ⭐ BestSpotBot

3. ⭐ MP3downloader

4. scdlbot

5. jioDLbot

Best Music Streaming App For Android:

1. ⭐ Musify

2. ⭐ Spotube: Has a mobile app, allows you to sync between devices.

3. Blackhole

Best Free Music Streaming Program for Windows & Mac & Linux:

1. ⭐ MooSync

2. ⭐ Spotube: Has a mobile app, allows you to sync between devices.

3. nuclear

4. Muffon

Podcasts & Radio

1. ⭐ Spotify Podcasts

2. Radio Garden: World-Wide Radios.